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Old 08-13-2023, 10:42 AM
texasbagpiper texasbagpiper is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 18
Default Classic or BenchJewel?

I cannot decide which to get. I had a classic about 10 years ago and sold it as I didn’t take the time to learn to use it mostly because of work time constraints. Noe I work for myself and Im ready to take it up again. I make turkey and game calls and want to engrave round tubing ferrules of brass and nickel silver from 7/16” up to 3/4”. I will also use it to do some engraving in hard exotic woods. Initially I figured I would get the BenchJewel but now I’m wondering if I will miss the adjustability of the classic if I go with the BenchJewel. It seems the BenchJewel can be adjusted via the psi gauge since it doesn't have the collar with the air holes that the classic has. I’m ready to order but keep going back and forth between the two.

Thanks, Seth
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