Thread: Practice Plate
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Old 04-06-2008, 11:19 AM
Gene Tru Gene Tru is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 123
Default Re: Practice Plate

Thanks a lot fellas for the comments and suggestions, it really helps to have someone else's comments that know what it's all about. Since the initial posting I have been practicing on a piece of steel pipe like Roger and Steve suggested. I have found this to be a challange in itself. Having to keep the tool at the proper angle as I move over the crest of the pipe to prevent it from skipping is totally different from working on a flat plate. I'll post some pics later on if I manage to cut a design that doesn't show all my slip marks. What a good excercise, I recommend it to everyone starting out. It seems the key is a really sharp graver and continually being aware of the angle of attack.
Tom, since you mentioned to keep the contrast between the main cuts and the shade lines, has caused me to be more aware of that. Even in reviewing some of my older practice plates I can see that I haven't been doing that and everything seems to have been cut at the same depth.
Nevada Blue, you're welcome to copy my copy since my copy doesn't really look much like the original that I copied. I'm humbled that you would ask.

Excellent ideas and help, I appreciate all. Gene
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