The Truth About Trilobites! Scientists have argued for many years about the cause of the Permian epoch extinction of one of the most prolific types of life on Earth. One of the great mysteries of science has finally been solved with the discovery of this exceedingly rare fossil trilobite. It seems that the trilobites did not go extinct after all, but simply ran down.
Like all great scientific discoveries, the knowledge ends up revealing more questions – for instance, who wound them up in the first place?
Three layers of engraved and carved 1/16 inch thick mild steel (soldered), copper gears, Argentium silver chain. Gun blue patination. Pendant is 1 3/4 inches long, 1 1/8 inch wide.
The idea for this piece came from a tutorial on etching brass I found on the web. I've been enjoying prowling a genre of mad scientist art/craft that has emerged called "steampunk," loosely based on Victorian-style scientific instruments and metal architectural construction