Hi Tom,
I figured that photo #3 is a closeup of the right side of the plate in photo #1. It looks right in #3 but it looks white in photo #1.
I dunno .... we're using different solutions, different printers & inks, different images, different lighting and photography settings.
Maybe posting test results like this and comparing them is frivolous. Conducted as independent tests using a common film is what folks need to see this thread as.
All I know is that it works pretty darn well with your old stuff and the new film. It ain't like the Epson but it will do what I'm looking to do and that's to practice tracing some of these old line illustrations to get the hang of the cuts. The clear solution is ideal for that. As I'm satisfied that it is still the best, I'll certainly recommend your product.
I've also learned that the HP color cartridges will produce an image and Photoshopping the image prior to printing makes the image transfer better ... I didn't need to do that with the Epson. I still have 59 sheets of Epson film left and that should carry me for awhile. Thank-you for clarifying the lighting thing.
I'll catch ya later Tom. I think I've done all I can with this "test" .... which doesn't appear to be whole heckuva lot
![Smile[2]](/images/smilies/top smiles/smile[2].gif)
. I'll be in the bunker loading ammo. If anyone has any more questions I can be reached by homing pigeon for next couple of weeks.