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Old 04-16-2009, 11:08 PM
kguns kguns is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 140
Default Re: Kurt Horvath A Quickie!!!

The scrollwork is Reminton Factory stuff on the older 1100's, I just shaded it so it wasn't so obtrusive. With the factory scroll in the way, it is difficullt to make a well laid out pattern. So in reality you just end up with an engraving that is mostly a hodge-podge affair. That's not saying it's not attractive in it's own right, it's just not quite crickette.

Here is a little folder from William Henry. Almost finished the hinge screw needs some attention as well as some clean up on over runs and a little burnishing to clean up the the overspray on a few leaf tips from the bead blasting to shade the background.

Anybody find the glairing screw up?

Kurt Horvath
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