Thread: away for awhile
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Old 01-21-2010, 08:15 AM
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Rich Hambrook Rich Hambrook is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 217
Default Re: away for awhile

Thank you guys for all your kind compliments.
Roger, very good on the design catch. (For those of you that may not know which one Roger is speaking of, it is the "blued gun") There are not very many of these around. The customer loved that pattern so much that he requested me to replicate it. But if you study it closely you will see that there are some design changes. After studying a few pre-war midas guns, I noticed that they were all different in one way or another. I don't like to duplicate other engravers patterns but I will if I can't persuade them to go in a different direction and the originator doesnt have a problem. But in this case its impossible to get the great Mr. Funken's blessing. In addition, I sign my name on the firearm so that it can not be mistaken or passed off as an "original". It will just be seen as an "upgrade". There are too many phony upgrades out there that other engravers have done, not signed and have tried to pass of as originals. This is slowly distroying the market for original collectable guns. I hope that eventually more fine gun collectors will seek me out for my abilities and talent and proudly display them as a "Hambrook engraved" firearm. I will continue to use people like the extrodinary engravers on this Forum to inspire me and humble me to get to that point.

Best regards,

Last edited by Rich Hambrook; 01-21-2010 at 08:17 AM. Reason: clarification
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