Re: A pair of pistols in the Wogdon style
Thanks Folks,
Gail, I made everything by hand except the barrels, case hinges, case lock, and oil bottle. The locks were castings from E. J. Blackley in England but I had to make all the springs and screws, and do the fitting and heat treatment. I etched the barrels in acid to give them the look of "stub twist" barrels made in England during the 18th century. All of the tools and case were styled after actual cases of the period and the lining is wool baize made by Abilmelech Hainsworth company in England. They have been making wool fabrics since 1783. I cast the case handle, hooks, and powder flask end caps out of bronze using the Delft clay process. Much of the steel hardware on the pistols was made from mild steel salvaged from an old washing machine. I am an amateur builder and still a beginning engraver but I think I managed to match the styles and quality of work of the better products of the London gun trade during the 1780's.
I posted the photos because I thought some folks might enjoy seeing something a little different that included engraving. I am glad you enjoyed the photos. Thank you for all your kind comments.