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Old 01-24-2010, 10:58 PM
DaveP DaveP is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 44
Default Re: A pair of pistols in the Wogdon style

Hi Daniel, Gail, and Mark,
I hate to disappoint but I am a rank amateur. I've built muzzleloading guns, made jewelry, and built furniture for >20 years but always as an avocation, not as a profession. I am a wildlife research scientist with Alaska Fish and Game and my focus is the ecology of wolves, bears, and deer on the islands of Southeast Alaska. I live in Ketchikan, which is as far south as you can go in AK. We are much more like Washington State than Alaska. Winter temps here are closer to those in NJ than the rest of Alaska. My work takes up most of my time plus I am sooooo slooowwwwww at building guns and engraving. If I were in business as an artisan I would be bankrupt 3 or 4 times over. Mark, I know of Jud Brennan and his work, which is phenomenal. Delta is a long ways away (about as far from me as Atlanta is from New York). If I can ever get down to one of the CLA shows I certainly will. I thank all of you for your comments and I will post work as I finish it.

Thank you again,

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