Thread: away for awhile
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:31 PM
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Rich Hambrook Rich Hambrook is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 217
Default Re: away for awhile

Well don't I feel about stupid. After all that talk I made about signing the work I do and then I pulled a dumb dumb and didn't sign yours! As I told you on the phone today , I was hurried by the commissioner and I "plain Ole' forgot". I would be honored if you sent it back to me so I can sign it. As far as the "dairies" of Felix Funken, I am not aware of them. I do know the author of the latest A-5 book and when he did his research, he had to get special permission to enter and look at the archives in Belgium. I will do some asking around for you.

Best regards,
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