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Old 01-26-2010, 08:27 PM
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MikeDubber MikeDubber is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Evansville, Indiana
Posts: 510
Default Re: Best engraved Handgun Award at Reno 2010

In my opinion this was not only the best Pistol at the show, but also the best engraved gun overall. Once again, Barry has captured a unique and fresh style in the structure of the arabesque designs he has developed for this and other pieces he is doing. The pattern is embodied not only on the steel, but it flows to the grips as well - and while this is not the first time an engraver flowed an engravng pattern to the grips, it's certainly the first time it's been flowed onto on mother-of-pearl in's an eye feast

What he did'nt tell you about this gun is that he started the engraving many years ago. It's been sitting on his bench unfinished until he was recently inspired to finish it. It's apparent that this style of work has been growing in his mind for a good number of years.

Mike Dubber
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