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Old 02-04-2010, 10:26 AM
martinr martinr is offline
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Location: california
Posts: 8
Default Re: Another Steve Hoel Engraved Knife

I just got off the phone with Mr. Lyttle and he informed me that because he is a knifemaker and rarely engraves other makers work he does not sign his engraving. Also, the birds are Mockingbirds and the knife was engraved 10-12 years ago. I also told Brian that Dr. Makoto Suzuki had died and his knife collection was being sold. We discussed the Bowie that Hoel made and Lynton Mckenzie engraved. Brian Lyttle did the engraving on the sheath at Dr. Suzukis request after Lynton died. A fascinating story.

Thanks for the comments on my knife.
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