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Old 02-11-2010, 01:23 AM
rod rod is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 623
Default Re: Best engraved Handgun Award at Reno 2010

Barry gave a very generous seminar in Reno.

It was very well prepared, and nicely set in a historical context, we are talking about the ' three element leaf ', and he took us from the Pyramids to modern times.

We had class participation when he was covering his other important topic... inductive as apposed to deductive design. The DVD from FEGA will be a good one for our reference library.

Mike D, nice to read your generous post, I was thrilled to see your work up close! Yes, Barry's pistol, and yours got a lot of well deserved attention! Probably true that Barry's gold leafed Lindsay Palm was the hit tool of the show, and appeared to be handled by hundreds! Barry was very tool neutral, using Ray's Ngraver in a little demo, while we passed his golden Lindsay Palm around. Sitting at the bench for his seminar where Diane had been using GRS handpieces, Barry took his Palm, touched it lightly to the GRS handpiece and said, "Look, they don't even spark when they touch?" Nice light hearted touch, Barry!

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