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Old 02-11-2010, 08:54 AM
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Barry Lee Hands Barry Lee Hands is offline
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Location: Bigfork, Montana
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Default Re: Best engraved Handgun Award at Reno 2010

Originally Posted by rod View Post
Barry gave a very generous seminar in Reno.
Barry's gold leafed Lindsay Palm was the hit tool of the show, and appeared to be handled by hundreds! Barry was very tool neutral, using Ray's Ngraver in a little demo, while we passed his golden Lindsay Palm around.
Thanks folks, and Rod, Thank you for your well stated comments.
I do believe in tolerance and diversity in tool selection,( espescially at a seminar where the point is creative philosophy and design ) , and I do like Ray's Ngraver tool, it is the only electric handpiece worth using. I have friends at all the tool companies, but make no mistake, I am not neutral in tools in regards to my own preferences in pnumatic handpieces.

If we are discussing pedal controlled Air tools, I prefer my Lindsay Artisan, and if we are discussing palm control devices, the Lindsay PC is way ahead of the competition in every respect.
I used the latest version of the Airtact "sweet spot" air handpiece at a recent show, and frankly, if there is a sweet spot, I could not find it. It is heavy, requires two air tubes, an air compressor( it won't work on bottled air), a big heavy electro/pnumatic control box to make it work, and it is difficult to control compared to the Lindsay PC.
I am currently vacationing in California, visiting friends and associates, I have a couple of small air bottles and my Lindsay PC with me, and I drop in to friends licensed gun shops and setup in 10 min or so and " Make bank" right on the spot. A few hours later, I break down in a few moments,it goes back in the trunk, and I am on the road.
Operating in this fashion, I have made thousands of dollars since the Reno show, while on vacation.
This would be virtually impossible with the competitions products.

If simplicity of function, use, and design is the definition of elegance, the Lindsay PC is the most elegant engraving tool ever made.

Barry Lee Hands
"Critics gather, they discuss aesthetics, Artists gather, they discuss turpentine. . ."- Pablo Picasso
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