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Old 03-28-2010, 08:52 PM
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Herman Knives Herman Knives is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 260
Default Re: bulino on nickel silver pendant Ron Jr.

Very good work!! You have added more dots as I suggested. One more thing, the finish in the nickel looks a little too rough. For that small of a piece I would use at least 2000 grit paper for a real nice fine finish. The course vertical lines take away from the beautiful work you did on this piece. Keep up the great work. If I can help further please give me a call at 913 839 1924 I can help you get real nice blacks and the geometry of the burin you are using is very important for getting good blacks.

This coming year I will be coming out with a series of pinup girls in my color engraving that's going to be HOT

Tim Herman
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