Barry, thanks for showing your excellent works again.
I really want to try....

(the lettering that you shown in your "Perazzi in Progress")but the gold is expensive, I have no idea what is the price, here in Hong Kong, a jewerlly tools supply can help to get some but their price are floating, I still not ready to give a try so I didn't ask them to quote the price. It seems too waste to use it for prastise, for those who are new to this kind of technique, what else material you suggest they use for practise before they use real gold on a real object? Or any other suggestion? Did you use gold for the first time you damascening?
Just curious, will you collect the gold chips after engraving on gold? how you handle the left gold after you saw out the shape of the deer? metling it?
Would you mind to tell what is the cost for the gold you used for the deer in this project so I can have a rough idea...? Do you need to stock different thinkness of gold for different project (please accept my apologize if the question is repeated as the forum's information is too massive and I still cannot read over them)?
Many thanks in advance.