Hi been lurking on the site reading a lot just got my system up and tried my first cuts yesterday . We do Dipping at
www.hydroprintservices.com personally don't think I want to have a engraved camo gun
![Lol[1]](/images/smilies/top smiles/lol[1].gif)
the thought of it makes me shudder. Thou i did try to talk one of the little cutties at the old gun shop into Dipping her
![Bathbaby[1]](/images/smilies/top smiles/bathbaby[1].gif)
before they closed it every body was volunteering to help scrub it off Sigh never came about : would have made a nice calender shot. any how the key to this is prep the better your prep work the longer it will hold up, second is a good top coat over it.