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Old 01-30-2008, 02:36 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 185
Default Re: Engraving ( TK3)

Originally Posted by Dave London
? do you cut the areas for the gold inlay or are you useing the strong water, Thanks Dave

Dear friend:
In this engraving I have not utilized the strong water a job is the engraving needle, that does it similar to the burin, but create a protruding excess or border than after I eliminate with the sandpaper.
He lies on metal accomplishedly directly ( bolster ) and I have not utilized transference for the engraving; The engraving is realized directly on metal.
The slot to incrust the metal , is realized with two types of strawberry, to sell off the dovetail.
Thanks for his consultation and interest in my work.

A greeting

Estimado amigo :
En este grabado no he utilizado el "agua fuerte " es un trabajo a la " punta seca " , lo que lo hace similar al buril , pero crea una rebaba o borde que después elimino con la lija .
Está realizado directamente sobre el metal ( bolster ) y no he utilizado transferencia para el grabado ; el grabado está realizado directamente sobre el metal .
La ranura para incrustar el metal ( oro o cobre ) está realizada con dos tipos de fresa , para realizar la " cola de milano " .
Gracias por su consulta e interés en mi trabajo .

Un saludo

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