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Old 03-17-2009, 01:05 PM
KeithPedersen KeithPedersen is offline
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Default Hobo Nickel Monster

When I was a kid I sold t-shirts for Ed Roth when He came to the east coast car shows.
Here I found out about engraving by the knives he had and was inspired since. Here is a nickel I carved that goes back to those days when I was known as "The Dice King".The other photo is me and Ed at a car show in White Plains NY about 1985 or so.
Keith Pedersen
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Old 03-17-2009, 06:57 PM
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Roger Bleile Roger Bleile is offline
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Default Re: Hobo Nickel Monster

Seeing a picture of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth brings back some memories. Back in the early 60's my brother Carl and I went to a custom car show in Cincinnati. BDR was there with his latest rod and airbrushing tee shirts. Carl had BDR paint a tee shirt for him and watched intently as he did his shirt and some others. Back home, next thing I know, Carl has bought this little air compressor and an air brush and is painting tee shirts for other kids for a few bucks. Carl was about 14 then and has always made a $ at some form of art since.

Have I got the story right Carl or is age effecting my memory?

C. Roger Bleile
Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member
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Old 03-17-2009, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: Hobo Nickel Monster

Roger you are right about the time. I'm not sure where or how I got the junk mini compressor. I made my first air brush(kid with out money) by useing a syringe that the doctor gave us after giving us a shot when he made a house call (boy have things changed) I drilled it for the air line, after the air passed through the tube the air would exit the holes I drilled around the center opening where the needle would be attached to make a partial vacuum that would suck up the ink then atomize it and shoot it onto the material. That was my second business, the first was drawing tattoos on the kids at school. If you remember those syringes were the first plastic disposable kind and we used to clog the needles and shoot them at a wood target also they were about 3 times bigger than those used today.
P.S. THIS reminds me of another thread about hammer and chisel vs power, I guess I wasn't an artist because I didn't use a brush.
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Old 03-18-2009, 03:55 AM
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Default Re: Hobo Nickel Monster

Yea I go back that far, remember them day well...
Sounds like ya'll had allot fun also...
Nice story...
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:00 AM
KeithPedersen KeithPedersen is offline
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Default Re: Hobo Nickel Monster

Roger and Carl,
Cool stories. I did the same thing but couldnt get it right.
Jerry, I have plenty of good memories. Learned alot from him, the guy was a genius and taught me to look at things differently.
It was an "education" doing the shows with him.....
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