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Old 03-19-2009, 09:50 AM
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Default Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

I just finished a set of four Colt 4 3/4" .45 Single Action Army Revolvers for a client who wanted the work to (generally) reflect the Cuno Helfrich engraving style. Cuno Helfricht and his group were at the Colt factory c. 1871 - 1921. The client also wanted Viking Dragon images (from the Viking ship prowls) engraved on the hammers and front sights (he does have a Viking last name). The serial numbers as received by me from the Colt Custom Shop were, Thor1, 1Thor, Oden1, 1Oden.

My only other comments about the engraving matching sets of guns is that if you enrgave a set of two guns to match you should figure that (in bench time) it's more like doing three - and if you do four matching pieces the work is equal to doing 6!

The center photo shows my steel "Master Plate" that I cut first and from which I transferred each pattern to the guns as I made my way through the set...and, sorry, but the guns were highly polished and really hard to photograph. There was nothing really difficult about laying out or cutting the patterns - but four times each! Man, I'm soooo happy to be finished!

Mike Dubber

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Old 03-19-2009, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Looks like another very happy customer!

Steve :->
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Old 03-20-2009, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Engraving a match set of four would be a big project!
Steve Lindsay
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Old 03-20-2009, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

On your pictures it's hard to see every detail but they sure look like very nice guns.
The extra time to do a mach of four, is that because you should only be able to see the difference by the guns number? So getting everything exactly the same? That must be hard indeed.
Like cnc ing your muscles for all the cuts.

Great work!

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Old 03-20-2009, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Beautiful work Mike Thanks for the photos
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Old 03-20-2009, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber


The "extra" hours it takes to do mulitples is found in the time it takes to transfer designs from one to another - or from a Master Plate to each piece as you work through the set. The process of laying out the general scrolls, in additon to making sure you've cut all the patterns to the same in depth, matched the leaf veining, treated backgounds the same, and in general, made everything match as close as possible, just takes enough extra time to account for the added hours. Please understand that I have not really "timed" myself out in each case of multiples to know how much exactly how much extra time is in there...I just know it is!

After that generalization, all I can say is that when I'm quoting sets of matching multiple pieces, and depending on the scope of the work (added inlays, scenes or animal figures) I add 20 to 30% to the cost of doing a single piece.

The Helfricht guns are an exception to the norm, i.e., they are the first set of four I've ever done. However, I've probably done at least 25 sets of two over my career.

I returned the Helfricht guns to Hartford yesterday. Today I retrieved a set of two consequtive numbered .45 Colt SAA's from my safe that are also to be engraved to match. The client is an oil man wants me to do a set for his daughters. These two include profuse gold border and inlay work. The gold inlay subjects are different from gun to gun, but all the scroll and borders are to match - including ivory grips with scrimshaw and matching glass and wood cases. If I ever finish this pair I'll post photos................

Mike Dubber
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Old 03-20-2009, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Looking forward to seeing those as well Mike,

I find your work to be excellent works to be studied. Your attention to detail in producing a "complete" package is wonderful. Fire blued screws, scrimshaw, great inlays, grip or wood fitment and presentation cases ... those details are just as important as the engraving itself.

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Old 03-20-2009, 09:30 PM
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Default Re: Extras............

Yes, extras are great, and they can really help frame your work, but you have to pay close attention to the "Administrative" time you spend on all that stuff.

I don't do gunsmithing...and I tell my clients that up front. I tell them that I am willing to assist in getting their guns prepped for engraving, and I can design the presentation box, work with the case maker, the scrim artist and the grip maker - and that I can handle the final finish. But these all add admin time to the process of engraving, and someone has to pay.

Even more folks - please listen to this - when you take on admin jobs like these, I can guarantee that somewhere along the line, one of your subcontrators is going to let you down, it's inevitable, and a really good reason to take a healthy down payment up front. You could easily starve waiting for that gun to be returned on time from the gunsmith - or casemaker - or grip maker.

Mike Dubber
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Old 03-20-2009, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Mike, really nice job doing so many matched up exactly in some other engravers style!!! Nicely done.
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Old 03-21-2009, 04:10 AM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Beautiful Job Mike, Look foward to see the SAA 45's...
Thanks for sharing...
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:10 PM
Vince P. Vince P. is offline
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Beautiful work (as is all of yours I've seen!). when creating designs based on other engravers styles, how do you differentiate your work from their's so that down the road they aren't mistaken for each other? Depending on the owner, I can easily see a faithful interpretation of a prised engraver's style being either fraudulently sold as an original, or later misinterpreted as an outright forgery. is signing your work all that's needed or do you include some form of "papers" describing the inspiration for the piece?

Last edited by Vince P.; 03-21-2009 at 10:13 PM. Reason: atrocious spelling
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:31 AM
JRon JRon is offline
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

I've been a guild member since 82" Don't know if you remember me, but, I think you have become one of the best! Especially with your work on single actions. This set is a great looking bit of work. I add 30% to matched sets
because of how tedious they become. Try photographing in the shade on a bright day, this has given me good results on highly polished pistols. Again, Great Job!

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Old 03-30-2009, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Originally Posted by Vince P. View Post
Beautiful work (as is all of yours I've seen!). when creating designs based on other engravers styles, how do you differentiate your work from their's so that down the road they aren't mistaken for each other? Depending on the owner, I can easily see a faithful interpretation of a prised engraver's style being either fraudulently sold as an original, or later misinterpreted as an outright forgery. is signing your work all that's needed or do you include some form of "papers" describing the inspiration for the piece?
Great question - the easiest answer is that I sign my work - and I do provide "paperwork" with each piece (or set) I do as a private commisson. In the case of this matched set of four, because the guns were sent to me from the factory, the final owner will be presented with a "Colt Factory Letter" completely describing the guns, grips, final finish, and accoutrements - as well as identifying the name of the engraver.

The greater issue(s) invloved with Colt engraving is that if you are indentified by Colt (or The Custom Shop) as a qualified Colt engraver (Expert or Master) you have some laltitude to create your own version of Colt style engraving. Certainly, all Colt engravers do not engrave the same. Still, there is an overriding/historical style base that most of us follow when we engrave Single Action Army Revolvers. There's a lot of history there, and there are good reasons to keep to a style that historically fits the gun.
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Old 04-25-2009, 02:58 PM
Cassie Cassie is offline
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Default Re: Extras............

Mike, you're sharing very important business experience that's crucial to economic success.
There are expenses that have to be accounted for in pricing a job. Many people ignore this at their peril.
What you say about subcontractors is universally true. I hope readers appreciate the value of what you're saying.
I'm in business for myself as a lapidary/goldsmith. I cover my rear by getting money upfront. It's been my experience that if I talk to customers frankly and explain certain things they are amenable.
I think, especially in your case, they come to you because they know the quality of your work. In these cases money isn't everything in the customer's mind.
Thanks for the breakdown. It's informative.
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Old 07-05-2009, 08:08 AM
Javier-Scrimshaw Javier-Scrimshaw is offline
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

awesome work !!
Scrimshaw essential
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Old 07-05-2009, 10:58 AM
ron ron is offline
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Default Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

hi Mike .. great looking set , i know how much time and work goes into this type of work i also know that your gun smith can hold up your money by not getting his end done on time , i have that problem with mine right now , he has a set of colts for 3 month now , this hold up my end from getting complete and me getting payed .. thanks for sharing Mike .. Ron p
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Old 03-27-2010, 07:34 PM
Bear Bad Bear Bad is offline
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Wink Re: Cuno Helfricht Engraving Pattern by M. Dubber

Looks great!!!!!!
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