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Old 06-16-2008, 07:41 PM
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Default Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Got one of Steve's little jewels last weekend and thought I'd post now that I've had a chance to try it out.

Got the AirGraver Classic with foot pedal and CO2 adapter and his sharpening system.

I'll start with the sharpener because we don't seem to hear about it as much.
Basically, it's a darn nifty little setup. :thumbsup:

I did one graver from scratch with just the stones. For the others I figured out how to use my PowerHone to save some time. Tom's new hone would have saved quite a bit more, but you go with what you've got. BTW, a pair of sections of 1x2 are just the right thickness to raise the Lindsay pad up to the right height for the PowerHone.

Now that the gravers are shaped I don't need any stinking power assist anymore - just slip the holder onto the small template, put the graver in the holder (right side up is good), and you're set. I put the graver in so I know it's too short, then stand the holder on top of the length guage tube over the pad and loosen the set screw. That lets the graver drop down to the right length. It is so simple using Steve's sharpener. I have to say I think it's the best choice out there for a beginner. There's almost nothing to think about in using it and it will give you a good, sharp, consistent point with little effort (well, after that initial shaping).

As for the AirGraver itself I was surprised by how intutive it's been (at least for me). I spent a few minutes just making cuts on a practice plate at various settings, varying the power from very low to pretty high and running the stroke length through the range at each setting. Still learning, of course, since different things cut differently but I just back it off for the first cut and work my way up to what seems to cut best.

After I sharpened my gravers I used Sharpie markers to color code them to match the templates - red, blue, green, brown, and for the clear universal - nothing. I like the way the gravers are inherently quick-change - just slip the old one out and pop the new one in (don't forget to knock off the sharp corners when you form the graver so it won't cut the O-ring).

I like the way the graver gently purrs in your hand when it's at idle. Probably still running mine a bit 'rich' - I've blown through one 20oz tank already.

The system works wonderfully at my bench, of course - love my scope! :thumbsup: But part of the beauty of Steve's system is that it is so portable!

I've set up a toolbox system (see my 'Box O' Happiness' thread). Did a quick test in the back yard, took it on a trip and did a key fob in the hotel, and today I went out at lunch and had fun at work for a change.

Learned an important lesson working at the hotel - had to add a little light I can clip to my visor. The light at the hotel was both dim and poorly arranged (tip: spread a towel to work over and then go shake out the chips to keep things nice).

At work today I was mostly just scouting for a location. The one I found is a ledge against the parking garage where I can stand and work. Need to practice working standing up but things went ok. Might see if I can fit my nice OptiVisor in the Box in place of the less expensive (but more importantly smaller) visor I'm using now.

I'll have to come back later and edit in a picture of a little keyfob I did at my bench for the ever-indulgent wife's assistant (who had to cover for her during our two week vacation). Don't have it uploaded yet.

Ok, got it up there:

Steve :->
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:19 PM
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Wink Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Nice work, I like the word intuitive, I think thats why I like Steves classic as well. As for the sharpening fixture, I still have to play with it some more.

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Old 06-17-2008, 04:46 AM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Congrad Steve, Lindsay tools are the best... You will enjoy the portability...
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Old 06-17-2008, 08:08 AM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic


The initial shaping can be... tedious, whether you do it by hand or with a PowerHone. Tom's new high-speed unit would save a lot of time.

But as I said, once you've got the graver shaped just sharpening... easy!

No need to consult your notes or put on a visor to make sure you're set to just the right angle. Just 30 seconds of fiddling with the holder to get set, then work your way around the small template, 20 seconds to change to the large for the heels and a few more strokes there and - a nice sharp graver!

Steve :->
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:37 AM
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Wink Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

As far as initial shaping goes you can do that free hand on a grinder or belt grinder, You can just rough in the shapes and then finish with the sharpener. If you take off the majority of metal it goes faster as you have a smaller point to sharpen.

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Old 06-17-2008, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Well I could but I'm picky that way - for some reason I just have to have the whole thing done 'right'.

Steve :->
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

If you need a portable light and you use an opti - use the setup that I use: Works really well and will give you what you want.

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Old 06-17-2008, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can get an OptiVisor to fit in the box - I tried.

But we were at a BassPro the other day and saw a little clip on light for $7 that works pretty well. You can rotate it around the clip a full 360 and adjust the tilt through a full 90 so it aims well. You get the choice of 2 or 4 LEDs lit - seems to work ok in the tests I've run.

Steve :->
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:44 PM
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Wink Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

You probably just need some practice at hand sharpening. I sharpen all my drill bits and high speed lathe bits by hand and they work perfectly. Any good tool maker can sharpen anything within specs.

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Old 06-18-2008, 08:43 AM
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Default Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

I sharpen a lot of things - huge collection of sharpeners of various sorts. I can do quite well by hand but the precision of a good system is just so attactive (at least to me).

Besides, as I mentioned, it's not like you have to reshape things every day.

Steve :->
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Old 06-18-2008, 08:50 AM
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Wink Re: Fun with the AirGraver Classic

Thats true, Once they are to shape a simple touch up is all that is needed. I just like to rough on something more aggresive.

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