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In the past weeks i was experimenting in a new templates set for the Lindsay Sharpening System , basically are thought for the hobo nickels carvers but they serve generally for any type of engravings, the idea was to reproduce with simplicity all the points that I use more to engrave nickels ,with the minor number of templates.
Finally, after talk with Steve, with its support and help, we have taken ahead the idea and the final result has been this Set of 3 Templates. ![]() With this set you can sharp a lot of differents points: - 50 V degree point without heels for detailing and very fine shading - 50 V degree point with heels for medium and deep lines and for prepare inlay work - Flat graver point - Flat rounded corner point ,for easy background removal,the rounded corner reduce marks,especially usefull for hobo nickel carving - Flat big radius point for sculpting works - Stippling square point - Stippling round point - Sculpting Punch point in various geometries (round ,square and rectangle) - Small round point ![]() 50 V degree point ![]() Flat point ![]() Flat Rounded Corner Point ![]() detail of the rounded corner flat heels ![]() Flat Radius Point ![]() Square Stippling Point ![]() Round Stippling Point ![]() Small Round Point ![]() Sculpting Punch In the next days i will upgrade this post with videos and tutorials on how to sharp with these set of templates, although their use is very simple. I think that this set will be avaible very soon,in the nexts days in the Steve's online tools catalog, i hope you will enjoy it! A special thanks to Steve ![]() ![]() Heare the first video: How to Sharp the sculpting punch point with a 90 degree face Using the rounded flat corner and the sculting punch points How to sharp the rounded corners in the flat point
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Great job! How exciting to have this set of tools available!
Congratulations Paolo with the release of your templates, looks to me you have been thinking it over quite well.
Thanks Paolo for your help and kindness. Awesome point photos and explaining! And thank you for coming up with these templates for the points you use!
__________________________________ Steve Lindsay AirGraver.com EngravingArtist.com |
Paolo,what a great addition for hobonickel carvers, I will be ordering two sets,, I for me and one for the HOBO NICKEL table at the show, this will enchance any carvers work with the combination of tools. Thank you Steve for adding it to the sets of templates..... Rollie,, OHNS
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www.mrthehobonickels.com |
mrthe, What a great idea for something tailor-made for your fellow nickel carvers. I'm excited about that flat rounded corner point!
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Those rounded corner gravers are deadly. Probably the most versatile and important in my arsenol. I just feel bad for defiling Steve's templates now:(
These are fantastic ..... and they are not just for nickels. General carving and sculpting of just about any small figure or element. Nice job putting these together and definitely a much needed set of chisels.
Paolo way to go! The new template set look awesome. I cant help but feeling that making your own template, sets you in high place with the best engravers. You sure deserve that place!
Now I need to wait for it to be put for sale
Omri Arbiv |
Congratulations on the templates, I am looking forward to trying them out as soon as they become available. ![]() John Connell From the Land Down Under |
Wow...Awesome set.
That is great Mrthe,you are a very creative person,I am sure this will make a great addition to the sharpening templates available on the Tools page. A big thanks to you and Steve L for making this possible I look forward to getting a set of both template. I also look forward to the videos and tutorials you will update later. Three templates with about nine uses that is super !! MO ![]()
Learn from those who know more than you do and teach those who know less than you do. - I.M. |
I have added to the first post a videos :
How to Sharp the sculpting punch point with a 90 degree face http://youtu.be/ajuN4db14xU Using the rounded flat corner and the sculting punch points http://youtu.be/ejKc667F7dI i don't remember the code to embedd the videos in the posts sorry ![]()
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
The videos are super! Thank you for taking so much time to help people by making these Paolo! I'll try embedding them.
__________________________________ Steve Lindsay AirGraver.com EngravingArtist.com |
Thank you Steve to embed it,one day you had explain to me how to make that but i have a bad memory
![]() Thank you another time!
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
The videos are very nice,Thank you Mrthe for putting them together,I like those templates.. ![]() I am just amazed at how much Steve L can do,in many different fields. RESPECT STEVE .L ![]() SE ![]()
Learn from those who know more than you do and teach those who know less than you do. - I.M. |
Thank you SE and Mrthe!
![]() Here is a button to order Paolo's set. I'll add the button later to the site but it should work from here to order for now.
__________________________________ Steve Lindsay AirGraver.com EngravingArtist.com |
Hi Mrthe,
I have placed my request for a set of the three templates. ![]() Being able to put a radius with a template was good idea and using the same template for a V point and a flat point too, Awesome !! SE ![]()
Learn from those who know more than you do and teach those who know less than you do. - I.M. |
Hey mrthe,
Thanks mrthe thats brilliant, your templates and videos are just what I will need soon I believe. Also thanks for showing me that there are a great many more quality original hobo nickels in circulation than I previously thought in video chat here a few days ago, you are always so helpful and gracious. ![]() Bob |
Paulo and Steve,
Thank you, both! Great you have laboured to get these graver geometries up on the Forum, for the common good. As Chris says, it is worth trying these geometries on a wider range of work, and I for one intend to explore what they might do in a variety of jobs. Gracias por todo! Rod |
thank you to all for the nice words,yes like Chris and Rod says ,this geometry can be used for all type of works
![]() Thank you SEngraver my friend to order the set i hope you will enjoy it !
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Enhorabuena Paolo,
Muy creativo, de verdad me impresionas ! Al ver como utilizas esos buriles llanos con las facetas redondas , me parecen muy bien indicados para rebajar los fondos sin dejar marcas como cuando se usa el llano normal ... Congratulations Paolo it's nice to see new points! Regards Jean
Santos' Photo Album |
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You are most welcome,no need to thank me,I will certainly enjoy using the points. Sir I believe Congratulations and compliments are in order on your achievement. SE ![]()
Learn from those who know more than you do and teach those who know less than you do. - I.M. |
The site has been updated this morning with Mrthe's template. They are on two pages: here and here
Thanks again Paolo for sharing your points and kindness with all you do! ______________
__________________________________ Steve Lindsay AirGraver.com EngravingArtist.com |
Thank to you Steve to find the time to make that
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Mrthe (Paolo) has made castings of two of his hobo nickels ("GoldTooth Skull" and "The Mummy"). He made the casting to be given to people that purchase the "Mrthe" three piece template sharpener set. For people that have purchased the set before the castings arrived to me from Paolo, your casting should be arriving this week separately from your ordered templates. There is a limited supply of both of these castings. To make them last longer we will randomly select one or the other to go in with the template orders. So you would be receiving the "GoldTooth Skull"or the "The Mummy".
(Update edit: We have now ran out of the gift castings. Thank you again Paolo for making them!) "The Mummy"coin Paolo gave as a gift to my daughter Kaitlin. Kaitlin is finishing up her graduate studies at Johns Hopkins. Her thesis is on mummies so this coin Paolo did for her is perfect. He even engraved Kaitlin's name in Hieroglyphics on the coin. ![]() To see more of Mrthe's hobo nickel carving check out his new site that he recently updated. http://www.mrthehobonickels.com/ Once there click on "Works". http://www.mrthehobonickels.com/works/category/works/ Also click on "Blog" and he has his tutorial there about how to make castings. http://www.mrthehobonickels.com/works/category/blog/ Castings Paolo made: ![]() ![]() |
Paolo, your awesome!
You make me want to buy it earlier then I planed...
Omri Arbiv |
paolo crack : Hurra [1]:: Hurra [1]:
Thank you to you Steve to take the time for post it, i hope people will like the little present
![]() thank you too Pedro y Omri for the nice comments!
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Thanks for making these available and thanks for the casting...It was a great surprise in the mail!
Hi Paolo,
I just received your set of templates. I know they will be among the most useful ones I have! Thank you for sharing your ingenuity with us all. Most of all, thank you so much for the gift of the 'mummy' casting.....it is awesome, and pictures don't do it justice. ![]() Gail
festina lente make haste slowly A. Caesar |
thank you Gail for the nice comments, i'm very happy to know that you like it and the casting too
![]() if you need some help with the sharpening templates check the videochat , i'm in it inthe afternoon ( spanish time) almost every day , i will happy to help ![]()
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Got mine yesterday.....
The casting was a Kool little surprise, and an invaluable learning piece...... Thanks......... ![]() PS......Your web site dosen't seem to be working.......... |
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www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Great work..............
![]() Thanks............. |
I ordered a set last week and got them on wednesday.. thanks a lot for super fast shipping! Looking forward to test and learn with these! :-)
https://www.facebook.com/EngraverHand |
Thank you Marius for buy the set,let me know if you need help for sharp the point or if you have some doubt the next time that we will see in the videochat i promise to you that i will don't make it in Spanish XD
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
hehe thx man! I have been watching your sharpening videos, so I hope IŽll be all right, but Ill shout out if I have some questions! Just spent a little over $1000 at the vet for my ill dog the last week, so I haven't been able to be at the shop yet. been a little crazy here, but IŽll let you know as soon as I have tested them :-) Looking forward to!
https://www.facebook.com/EngraverHand |
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You use the word "dude" frequently, but I think it gets lost in translation as to what you actually want to say. In Spanish, dude would be equivalent to amigo or colega. Can you clarify in different words what you are trying to say? Thanks, Dave |
Hey Dave thank you for the correction ,is a bad translation,like my english, of "dubt" that is spanish is duda ,sorry,i'm italian but i live in spain and in a country were we talk "catalano" that is anoother lenguage,and for me talk in english is difficult haha i don't know in wick lenguage i talk a lot of time !
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Your English may not be impeccable but you are understood by all I believe. Your good nature and charm is obvious and the information and help you offer much appreciated by many and by Dave also I'm sure. So whatever way you can share your thoughts with us please continue. ![]() Bob |
Mrthe, I have one question for you about the 50v. Do you use a CarbaltXD graver or an M42? With 18k I had no issues with the 50v CarbaltXD but when I went to cut nickles I broke the tip time and time again. Just wondering what you're using so I can decide whether I'm being to heavy handed or should just switch steels for the nickles.
Thanks for the great templates and the nickle cast, a very handy set with a reference nickle ![]() Mark |
Mike i never use carbalX for V points under the 90 degree,because is more easy broke the point,for hobo nickels i use m42 or hss and work perfect
![]() Bob hehehe I really appreciate folks who corrected me because it is the only way to understand where you do something wrong and improve. unfortunately all the schools I attended in my life have been art schools and formerly not studied languages foreigners in this type of school in the academies of fine arts also. So I've been practicing self-taught English as engraving since I started to participate in this forum only form a year ago,but quiet, it does not take away my desire to participate in this great forum where I met wonderful and generous people, great artists and many friends, who day after day bring me many skills so I'll always be a pleasure to contribute my bit to the extent that it can.
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
Thanks for the quick reply Paolo, looks like I will be making some more points this week just for nickles
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Your English is fine. It was just the one word which I could never understand. YOU ARE THE DUDE !! ![]() Dave |
Hi Mrthe ,
Capisco tutti volta che si dice il mio amico,il tuo inglishe e bene per io. Grazia,buona gironata SE ![]()
Learn from those who know more than you do and teach those who know less than you do. - I.M. |
You Sir, deserve every bit of the compliments you have become in this thread. I bought the template set a few weeks ago and finally started making gravers yesterday. It took a bit to figure out exactly how the graver should look when finished...but it worked. Your pictures in this thread helped. The first one I made was the flat rounded. It cut the metal like butter. Two months ago, I gave up on a project I was working on because of troubles with the background. I brought out the project again and your graver let me scoop out the background so fast and got it so flat, so nicely that I continued right through meal time (and I was hungry) and I finished the project in a couple of hours. Then I had a beer and food to celebrate!!!!. I am really happy with this graver and I wish to thank you. It is the most useful have...for what I work on....I'm sure. I tried the oval punch too and it worked wonderful and could even be used to get corners too! I am happy. This was the best 39 bucks I can remember spending on any tool. I hope you sell a lot of them and make a bit of money...Thanks! |
Hey Piper ! You are welcome ! I'm very glad to know that the template set was helpfull for you and expecially for your work and you like it,but the thanks have to go to Steve too for invent produce and sell this fantastic template sharpening system
P.S. Will be greatcas see A poc of your work,now i'm curious hehe
www.mrthehobonickels.com |
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